Bar Superior

Bar Superior

Don’t know about you but we’re totally excited about our bar again. Yah, we still love the vino but there’s no reason not to shake up a little funshine before dinner. Mix in the fact that there is now a multitude of exciting new distillers making...
Throw some style at it.

Throw some style at it.

Starting to feel like your indoor or outdoor sofa room is feeling tired and lazy. Hold on, don’t panic — throw some style and colour at it. It’s amazing what a cheerful style element can do to a room. Pillows and throws are an easy and inexpensive...
Hello Honey!

Hello Honey!

One of the timeless pantry staples we always have on hand is raw honey. But what’s with its recent surge in popularity? Well simply, it’s a power food for health as well as a key to the ecology. In modern cooking and baking, raw honey is turning out to be a wise...
Cottage Utility

Cottage Utility

Not sure you noticed but we love functional style. That is, stuff that not only looks great and makes a room, but things you’ll actually love to use, are comfy and work for years. This runs deep at Centro. No place needs timeless and high quality style than the...